Hailing from Dakshina Kannada district, Girish Rao Hatwar, popularly known by the pen name of “Jogi,” is a journalist, writer, novelist, and screenwriter. Initially, he worked as a journalist in Kannada Prabha, Suvarna News, and Udayavani and later worked in all forms of media. Currently, he is the chief magazine editor of Kannada Prabha. Along with working as a program editor in news channels, he has written screenplays for about 30 serials, such as Guptagaamini, Preethi Illada Mele, and eight films, such as Naanu Avanalla Avalu, Mouni, Kada Beladingalu, etc. He has been very active in all forms of literary forums, seminars, speeches, and workshops and has also been a jury in many literary competitions.
He has been showered with many accolades and awards, including Sahitya Shree from Kannada Sahitya Academy, the Bangalore literature festival award for contribution to Kannada literature, Sahitya Ratna Award from the Publishers’ Association, and many more.