Krupakar-Senani are the dynamic duo of Mysore who have over the decades done many jaw-dropping adventures in their multifaceted actions in various fields. They are wildlife film makers, wildlife consultants, photographers, serious students of natural history and highly committed conservationists.
They have done exemplary commissioned work for National geographic, BBC, Animal Planet, Discovery and ARTE. Their films have won a series of awards and high recognition all over the world. The list of their awards is too long, however the few among them are: Panda award (Green Oscar) Bristol for their serial film “Pack “on Dhole or wild dogs on the Nilgiris reserve belt, best of grand festival award at Japan’s wild life film festival, best of festival at Vatavaran Delhi, Winners of Roscar special Jury award at Johannesburg South Africa and many more.
They have written many thrilling books and photo journals based on their experiences and they won the Karnataka State Sahitya Academy award for their book “Jeevajaala” and they have also won the Kannada Rajyotsava award. They have set up an NGO “Namma Sangha” with a goal to conserve and nurture the forests of the Bandipur Tiger reserve. This 18 year old organization has provided 38000 LPG connections in 203 villages of the 200 km of the edges of the Bandipur forests to reduce dependency of the habitants on forest. This voluntary work which also educates poor girl students of that region, is considered as the most successful conservation efforts in India.