11th January | 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Hotel Southern Star
11th January | 4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Hotel Southern Star
Sri Kollegala Sharma is a senior science communicator and popular science writer in Kannada. A former chief scientist in CSIR-Central Food Technological Research Institute Mysore, Sri sharma has been writing science in Kannada and has contributed more than 3500 popular science articles through his columns and independent writeups. He has scripted 200 science radio dramas in Kannada for broad cast on All India Radio and various community radios, and published 9 popular sci books, 8 translation for children and a dozen science fiction stories.
During the past five years he has pioneered and steered production of a Kannada Science podcast, the first of its kind in India, that was a finalist entry in the famous Breaking Wall competition of Germany. He has produced more than 800 podcasts each of which reached 3000 audience directly through WhatsApp and a larger audience through five community radios. He has also been a trainer, and resource person, in translation of S&T texts, science writing and has spearheaded scripting and production of Science Plays in Kannada. During 2021-2023, Sri Sharma was the state coordinator for Kutuhali, the Science Communication, Popularization and Extension programme of Vigyan Prasar. He is also editing a monthly Kannada science magazine called Kutuhali.
Sri Sharma is a recipient of Best Science Communicator award of Vision Group on S&T, Government of Karnataka, and Best Writer award (for his book Marala Melina Hejjegalu) by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy.
RHF’s Creative Movement and Dance continues to spread happiness to our little dancing stars!